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WiFi hotspot with the XL-ent networkThe special point of sale hotspot integrates artificial intelligence into its « box ». It knows how to manage several subnets for several different uses, in complete security. Let us note 3 key uses for modern points of sale.

1. Sales control

Point of sale equipment is connected via a specific « box » to a centralized platform, managed remotely. This is the case for example of:

• the cash register (POS): the manager is informed in real time of cash receipts, the amount of the cash register, the availability of change, cash errors … CashMag of XL-ent for example.

• video surveillance: the artisan-trader can monitor his store remotely.

• high-tech display cases: an optical detection system (with object recognition) sends a message when the display case is empty.

2. Control of the internet for clients and teams

86% of customers aged 18 to 44 are strongly influenced by whether or not free hotspot access is available. However, leaving one’s “box” network unchecked presents great risks and is, above all, illegal. The merchant who wants to offer the internet to his customers has an obligation to provide a secure and therefore managed internet.


wifi hotspot wall- or ceiling-mounted

The XL-ent hotpsot:

manages customers (SMS / Facebook authentication, etc.) and personal data (under the data protection act / RGPD),

manages the uses of customers and your staff (blocking illegal sites, dangerous or too impacting for other users or for the service …),

manages security (company class security, integrated firewall, etc.),

manages and prioritizes in real time the available internet capacities (priority for internal technical uses such as the cash register, for example).

Hotspot XL-ent service, on-board artificial intelligence

The digital marketing tool par excellence

Subject to customer acceptance, the hotspot allows merchants to collect customer data (email address, phone number, Facebook account, etc.). They can thus offer products or formulas that are more suited to their customers.

3 different channels for wifi hotspot


Field experience

– “the free WiFi hotspot generates likes directly on my Facebook page. We are thus able to expand the base of our digital customers who follow us and offer them a preview of our happy hours or promotions or to come and test new products.

Increased in-store traffic, better customer experience that is more loyal to us, and increased revenue. « 


Contact us

This growing presence of digital uses means equipping oneself in a reliable, safe and efficient manner with a network (cabling, routers, etc.) and an intelligent Box Hotspot. Interested in knowing how XL-ent (pronounced « excellent ») can help you enter this new era? Talk to our experts to find out more:

Jasen, 52 58 40 20

Anna, 52 58 40 90

Jasen, commercial XL-ent
Anna, commerciale XL-ent

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